In English

  • La isla not bonita

    Another rare footage that the internet made not so rare : Isle of flowers, an essay-documentary that will make the viewer alternatively amused and uncomfortable, and then uncorfomagle.

  • La Classe américaine: a french classic

    While Michel Hazanavicius triumphed in 2012 with The Artist, we all remembered, or not, that he was also the co-author of a hilarious mash-up comedy in the early 90’s starring John Wayne, Orson Welles, Paul Newman, Dustin Hoffman…

  • Indie – Time of the Master

    When a movie goes out the boundaries of genres it gets casted out. One can say it is then “independent”. So is Suspension, a fable about excess of power, half-fantasy, half-drama and half-something else. The movie remains misknown because it lacks stars and promotion.

  • The strange story of the first movie in History

    There are only two seconds remaining of the first movie ever made and screened.